March is Colon Awareness Month - Schedule your appointment today!

Procedure Information

Please review thoroughly at least 3 days before your procedure:

  • You must have someone to drive you home! We cannot discharge a patient to a taxi, unless you have a family member or friend riding with you. We do insist that your driver remain at the Center until you are discharged. Estimated wait time is 45 minutes-1 1⁄2 hours. Times may vary depending on circumstances.
  • The physician will speak to your driver regarding your post op instructions, please make sure that you come with someone you don’t mind hearing these instructions.
  • Please bring current insurance information (cards) and Photo ID.
  • Please complete the blank forms attached and bring with you, as we are required to
    maintain separate records from your doctor’s office.
  • Wear comfortable loose fitting clothing (a two piece outfit)

The Endoscopy Center staff will call you on the next business day to ensure you are doing well, if we are unable to contact you personally, we will mail you a post-card.


The Columbia Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Center is located at 2739 Laurel Street, Suite 1B; across from Providence Hospital in downtown Columbia. Call 803-254-9588 for specific directions.

BE ADVISED: Your driver is required to stay at our facility at all times while you are having your procedure. Your procedure will be delayed if your driver leaves, if the doctor’s schedule allows a delay. If not, your procedure will be rescheduled. This is required for all patients receiving anesthesia.

If you have any questions, please call the appropriate phone number below:

Important Information Regarding the Billing for your Procedure

You will receive a bill from:

  1. Your physician at Columbia Gastroenterology Associates for performing the Procedure; filed by Physician Billing Services.
  2. The Endoscopy Center: Columbia ASC, LLC (d.b.a.Columbia Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Center), this is the Facility Fee; billing office in Nashville TN.
  3. Anesthesia Group: Amsurg Columbia Anesthesia, LLC; billing office in Nashville TN.
  4. If you have biopsies taken during your procedure, the specimens will be sent to APS (Advanced Pathology Solutions), with the technical component being done by Columbia Gastroenterology Associates. The pathologist analyzing your biopsy will bill you for their professional services.

If your insurance requires a particular laboratory to be used for specimen analysis, you must present this requirement at the time of check in; the endoscopy center staff cannot verify this on all patients and will not take responsibility for sending specimens to an out of network lab.

The Columbia Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Center is a separate business from Columbia Gastroenterology Associates. Our facility maintains separate records and has separate billing.

Center Billing

Someone from one of the following numbers may try to contact you to verify and review your benefits for your procedure.

Downloadable Documents